Beautiful pics of Alina Aguiar and Alisa Tarasenko feet and legs

Alisa Tarasenko is famous for Strana Sasha (2022), Annushka (2009) and Leyt Nayt Skul (2022). Lina Maria Aguiar, a Brazilian businesswoman, with a $1.5 billion net worth is the definition of a Brazilian. Lina was born in 1938, and was left out of a Bradesco Bank Branch (one the biggest Brazilian banks) by the founder of the bank, Amador. Aguiar was adopted by Lina when she was a young girl, raising her to be a daughter. Aguiar did not adopt Emilia Lina's sister two years after. She was renamed Lia Maria Aguiar. Thanks to the large inheritance that their foster father gave them, both sisters have been listed as billionaires. While the third daughter Amador adopted, Maria Angela, didn't get to the billionaire ranks as she received a small share from Bradesco Bank. Amador himself created the Bradesco Foundation to benefit Brazil's education in the year 1956. Much of the money Amador earned was given to this foundation. His remaining fortune resulted in a tense court battle between his adopted daughters and his wife of a second, who he wed a couple of months prior to his demise. Lina & Lia Amador have become billionaires after the daughter of Amador triumphed in the court case.

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